Blazer is recognized by colleagues as Shining Star
Blazer is recognized by colleagues as Shining Star
A google search of the number seven in Chinese culture yields some interesting results. Seven represents the combination of Yin, Yang and the Five Elements – metal, wood, water, fire and earth. This combination is considered harmony in the ideology of Confucianism.
Seven is considered a positive number for relationships. The number seven is also associated with the words arise and life essence. Given this, it seems perfectly fitting that BRON’s lead architect, Crystal Hanna, was recognized as the first Employee of the Year in her seventh year with the company.

Crystal joined BRON as Project Coordinator in 2015, following her tertiary education at South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, China. While in China, she learned Mandarin along with her studies, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and second language under her belt.
She would later use those skills and exposure to assist the team with the development of Baha Mar and work on projects around The Bahamas, including an extended stay in Grand Bahama. Today, she runs the fastest growing discipline at BRON – the Architectural Design team.
When asked how she feels about leading such a dynamic group, she said, “I see it as my contribution to our country. If I can grow and I help my team grow, it’s my contribution. Many people get an education and make money but do not contribute beyond that. I see my team growing and by helping them grow, as a seed they too will become a contribution toward a better and brighter future.”
Crystal may view her contribution that way, but the overall team at BRON clearly view her as someone that exemplifies what the company represents. In December 2021, Crystal received the most votes from her colleagues and won the first ever Shining Star Award, recognized as the employee of the year of the BRON Shine Awards.

In her very Crystal-like manner, she smiled and looked to the side when asked how she initially felt about winning.
“Surprised,” Crystal eventually responded.
“I had nominated several people for that award, so when I found out I got it, I was like – who me? But I appreciate winning the award. It means people see what I bring to the table and the help I give to all,” she explained. As an architect, her talents make her more than capable of designing her own table, but instead, her ultimate plan is to bring more women to the table.
Receiving her Architect License in 2019, Crystal is one of the few Bahamian women to hold such a license making up only 10% of the total licensed and registered members of The Bahamas’ Professional Architects Board. She wants to continue to create spaces and avenues for women in architecture, engineering, and design.
“I just want young people, especially girls, to know that nothing is impossible. You just have to keep trying and do your best,” Crystal said.
From Project Coordinator to Associate Principal – Architecture, Crystal’s work ethic and passion helped her climb her career ladder four steps as a continuous example of what we aspire each Blazer to be – a true inspiration indeed.