BRON’s Markets

Markets: Residential

We live and breathe excellence in engineering and all related services that turn your house into a home.

Luxury is a lifestyle, but it doesn’t happen by chance. Luxury is by design. The hundreds of homes, condos and townhouses we’ve designed in Albany speak for themselves. So do the homes from the shores of Lyford Cay to the estates to the rivers of Belize.


Hilltop houses in St. Kitts, Antigua, and throughout the region benefit from our expertise. We live and breathe excellence in engineering and all related services that turn your house into a home.

Download our “Residential” brochure

Download our “Residential” brochure

Let's Talk!

Please feel free to contact our company either by filling out the form on our website or by using the address and phone contact information provided. We look forward to hearing from you.

#57 Airport Industrial Park,
Raphia Close East.
P. O. Box CB-11524
Nassau, Bahamas

Office Hours: 
Mon. – Fri. 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Office Number: 
1 (242) 327–8708

Main Contact Form

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Service Inquiry

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General Inquiry

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Career Opportunities

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